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    SHAPER - Decoration

    1- Top Sheet 'pro' par Ridezebigone

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    Top Sheet 'pro'     Posté Le 26/11/2005
    Un site vend des top sheets tout fait pour les shapeurs de snowboards. Compter 45€ le top sheet. Ca doit le faire pour avoir une finition bien clean, mais ca manque de customisation...
    Si quelqu'un a un retour d'expérience sur ce genre de produit, on est tout ou?e pour son avis !!!

    Mise à jour 11/03/06 :
    Je suis en train de me tater pour un topsheet chez eux, voici le mail en réponse à quelques questions:
    Hi Julien,

    thanks for your request to our service.
    (english Version of the Online Shop will soon be online.)
    We are able to produce individual Boardgrafics, print them out, ready to laminate in your board.
    The datas are all available as vector grafics (no quality reduction).
    We print them out on a fleece, witch you will be able to laminate (with epoxid) in boards.
    The material we print on is a textillike material, the colours are water-, solvent-, and UV-restistant and gets burned in via transfer. .
    Weight is about 110 up to 190 gr/m2.
    We got three different Fleeces. One is teint transparent, the others aren`t.
    (To laminate the Fleese in, we recommend to use a no colour resign mix, so the colours of our fleese won`t change.)
    you also can send us a outline of your boardshapes
    and we put yourcollected grafic in (eps, bmp or ai Files).
    To create your Name in the shown Design "Kitename", got to charge you 55€ add. transfercost to France.
    (I`ll send you jpg over when I`m going to work on it)

    In Avance, It would be the best, if i send you some some smal fleese samples over,
    so you can check them out. (Some use Glassfiber in between)

    Julien, Just mail me your adress.

    Infos online:
    Our Side is reacheable at: freaks of fashion
    (english Version will soon be online, for now it`s only translated via google)

    We also got statements of constructor how to lamiate our fleese in at our forum: all in german)

    Here`s a pict of the material how it looks in Close:
    - Live`s to short for a boring board.
    Markus Lehmann
    Freaks of Fashion
    all sports design
    c/o Markus Lehmann
    Geibelstr. 47
    22303 Hamburg/Germany
    tel. 049(0)40 279 72 11
    fax. 049(0)40 278 08 601
    m. 0177-600 29 75
    our online Shop: freaks of fashion shop
    the "freaks of fashion" -family:
    -visit also our forum:[/i]
     par Ridezebigone
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