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    Webmaster blacksail
    Blacksail Conception copyrights 2005


    1- Tutoriaux par blacksail 2- AntiG - Board technology par blacksail
    3- Directionnelle chez north par blacksail

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    Tutoriaux     Posté Le 17/10/2005
    Tu trouveras ici différents tutoriaux permettant de fabriquer une planche de kite.
    Tu pourras commenter chaque étape de fa?on à avoir une certaine interactivité avec les tutoriaux proposés permettant de les faire evoluer ou d'apporter des precisions.
     par blacksail
    comment(s):0  voir les commentaires


    AntiG - Board technology     Posté Le 10/06/2008
    On connaissait depuis longtemps des vidéo ou des pages web indiquant la fabrication des snowboard. C'est chose faite pour le kite grace a AntiG. Petite marque Taiwanaise de kiteboard.
    Plein de jolie photo vraiment interessante et le détail sur la fabrication de leur noyau. [turl]A voir absolument ici[/url] en anglais
    2 photos trés intéressantes :
    1.The top and bottom of the kiteboard are made of PBT manufactured by DuPont™. Among the many features of Crastin® PBT are mechanical and physical properties of stiffness and toughness, heat resistance, friction and wear resistance, excellent surface finishes, etc. For more details.
    2.The second layer is made of CYMAX fiberglass. CYMAX fiberglass features its light weight, high strength and high impact resistance. For more details.
    3.The third layer is made of reinforcement fiberglass. For more details.
    4.The fourth layer is dark brown wood core and light brown Airex core. Airex features its light weight and high strength, which is usually applied to the bottom of yacht. For more details.
    5.All nuts and screws are made of M6 stainless steel.
    6.The fringe of the kiteboard is made of ABS resin. The ABS resin features its high impact strength to prevent the fringe from being deformed or damaged under the impact. For more details.
    7.The fifth layer of kiteboard is made of CYMAX fiberglass, which is same as the second layer.
    8.The material of top and bottom of the board is the same, which is wear-resisting and scratch-resisting PBT.


    Enjoy ...
     par blacksail
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    Directionnelle chez north     Posté Le 23/10/2008
    voila un empilage en semi-sandwich pour la fabrication d'une board de surfkite chez north :

    Intéressant ...
     par blacksail
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